HP 82321A BASIC Language Processor

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HP 82321A BASIC Language Processor

General Info
Manufacturer HP
Condition Working
Model Number 82321A
Technical Specifications
Software Environment HP BASIC (68k), PASCAL
CPU Motorola 68000 8MHz
Memory Capacity 512k-1MB Onboard, 4MB total with expansion
Memory Type 14256 DIP
Storage Interface HP-IB, Amigo, CS80
Graphics HP Alpha and Graphics modes
Display Interface Direct display access to PC address space
Expansion Interface ISA 8b
External Connectors
  • HP-IB
QR Code
(Click for Asset Tag)

The 82321A from HP (AKA, BASIC Language Processor (BLP), Measurement Coprocessor, PC-300, and Viper) is an ISA card included with HP Vetcra PCs with an entire HP Series 200 system (such as HP 9836C Technical Computer) on the card. It is fully compatible with software for Series 200 systems, down to even originally shipping with the BOOTROMs from a 9836C.

The card operates independently of the host PC system allowing for background processing in the loaded HP environment.

The host system driver creates virtual device interfaces to the HP environment for accessing system resources of the PC, such as:

  • Host HDD contents
  • Direct FDD access to read LIF disks
  • RS-232 and Parallel port interfaces

Note: The card is abnormally tall as well as being full length. It does not fit in every system, for example, it extends up too much to fit into an IBM PC/XT with the case closed.

Hardware Configuration

Up to 3 82321A's may be simultaneously run in one system. As such, there are a number of different onboard configuration jumpers and switch the change how the card is accessed and operated. The card does have silkscreen for the jumpers, but is is dark and thin making it very difficult to see. Below are the possible configurations with default options in bold with an * for the first card in a system.

W3 - IRQ

From right to left
1 IRQ 3
2 IRQ 4
3 IRQ 5
4* IRQ 7
5 IRQ 8

Note: The intended IRQ settings for multiple cards are #1 is IRQ 7, #2 is IRQ 9, #3 is IRQ 5

W2 - ID

Unused, leave all in the down/off position

W1 - ROM

From top to bottom

Note: ROM IN is only for use with an unknown "BASIC ROM board".


SW1 is upside down, ON/1 towards ISA connector
1000* 0.5MB
0000* 1MB
1100 1.5MB
0100 2MB
1010 2.5MB
0010 3MB
1110 3.5MB
0110 4MB

Note: B0 is the bank of RAM soldered directly to the board, B1 is the bank of sockets in the upper left. Each of these is 0.5MB of RAM and cards may or may not have the RAM installed making for two possible defaults. If your B1 is filled, you have 1MB of RAM.

SW2 - Multipurpose

SW2 has three settings spread across the switches. The on/1 position is towards the ISA interface.

SW2-1 - Device enable

This disables the card if turned off. Leave in on position for normal operation.

SW2-2-8 - DMA Address

1010110* DMA 250h
1111010 DMA 280h
1001100 DMA 330h
1011000 DMA 390h

Note: The intended DMA settings for multiple cards are #1 is 250h, #2 is 280h, #3 is 330h

SW2-9 - HP-IB System Controller Status

This enables or disables IEEE-488 System Controller status for the HP-IB interface on the card. If you want to access other devices from the 82321A, this must be set to on.

Related Devices

External links