Jonos Escort

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Jonos Escort
General Info
Release Year 1982
Manufacturer Jonos Computers LTD.
Condition Working
Model Number C2150
Serial Number 238
Technical Specifications
Software Environment CP/M
CPU Z80A @ 6MHz
Removable Storage 3.25" FDD
Sound Piezo speaker
Display Interface Composite
External Connectors
  • RS-232
  • LPT Parallel
  • 50 pin Floppy
Power Requirements
Input Voltage 120V AC
Power Connector IEC C13/C14 Socket
QR Code
(Click for Asset Tag)

This is a portable CP/M computer with an STD back plane for system cards and expansion. The C2150 model shown here came with an additional card to add LPT Parallel, 64KB of RAM, video output(unconfirmed), and an RTC.

The front of the computer only has three controls, main power, reset, and CRT intensity.

The Sony floppy drives in the machine are very early models and may need the shutter held open before putting them in the machine.

Repairs - Modifications

A note for working on this machine, the front faceplate uses Velcro strips to hold it to the internal cage. So you will hear a "tearing" sound when you slide the cage out. The keyboard faceplate is also held on this way, the keyboard cable is on a connector on both ends as well.


  • Unit was not shipped well and needed to have components secured back in place. No permanent damage from shipping appears to have occurred.
  • Sony floppy drives needed cleaning and relubrication

Floppy Disk Drives

My unit from mid 1983 shipped with Sony OA-D31V, these have the shutter opening arm included but it is possible other units may have OA-D30V without the arm. These drives do not use the later 3.5" 34 pin interface standard on later drives but may be adapted to it with a rewired cable.

Floppy Disk Format

Greaseweazle - diskdef

# Jonos Escort CP/M
disk jonos.dd
   cyls = 70
   heads = 1
   tracks * ibm.mfm
       secs = 9
       bps = 512
       interleave = 2

Linux path: ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/greaseweazle/data/diskdefs.cfg

cpmtools - diskdef

# Jonos Courier/Escort C2100
diskdef jonos35
   seclen 512
   tracks 70
   sectrk 9
   blocksize 2048
   maxdir 64
   boottrk 2
   os 3

Linux path: /etc/cpmtools/diskdefs


System Chassis

STD Boards

Archived Media

External links