Software Collection/gen

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This is the code and process used to generate the Software Collection page's HTML.

Preparing CSV

The CSV file from the Google sheet and folder of photos from the form need to be downloaded. You will need to add the file names to the CSV as the drive links aren't usable outside of Google. Currently all file names must sequentially match form responses and the sheet data cannot be reordered for the following responses to work.

Generate a list of the photo files in the folder:

unzip *.zip
cd photos
echo "Photo" >> ../photos.txt
ls >> ../photos.txt
cd ..

Prep the data CSV and file list then make a merged CSV:

cat Collection\ -\ Big\ Box\ Software.csv | tr "\r" " " > collection.csv
while read line; do echo ",\"$line\"" >> photos.csv; done < photos.txt 

paste -d " " collection.csv photos.csv > db.csv

HTML Generation

With the final CSV made pass it as a parameter to the following python script to generate the HTML for the page:


import sys
import csv

print("This is a list of software in my collection. I do not own the respective copyright's to the original artwork, photos are for refrence only. Feel free to use the photo, with consideration of the original copyright holders, if you need refrence material as well.")

with open( str(sys.argv[1]), 'r' ) as theFile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(theFile)
    for line in reader:

        print("<div class=\"inline-thing\">")
        print("<table class=\"wikitable\">")
        print("<tr><td>Box Year:</td><td>"+line['Year']+"</td></tr>")
        print("<tr><td>Media Format:</td><td>"+line['Media Format']+"</td></tr>")
        print("<tr><td>Notes Other:</td><td>"+line['Notes: Other']+"</td></tr>")
        print("<tr><td>Box Condition:</td><td>"+line['Box Condition']+"</td></tr>")
        print("<tr><td>Notes Condition:</td><td>"+line['Notes: Condition']+"</td></tr>")



Download the CSV data, cut it down to just the new data (whole file needed so google sheets will quote multiple entries in cell), then use the following script to generate SoftwareSummary template objects and link the manually uploaded files to them


import sys
import csv

with open( str(sys.argv[1]), 'r' ) as theFile:
    reader = csv.DictReader(theFile)
    for line in reader:
        print("{{"+"SoftwareSummary|Photo=|Title={}|Year={}|Platforms={}|Media Format={}|UPC={}|Notes Other={}|Box Condition={}|Notes Condition={}".format(line['Title'],line['Year'],line['Platform'],line['Media Format'],line['UPC'],line['Notes: Other'],line['Box Condition'],line['Notes: Condition'])+"}}")